This set is for those who like to story telling and original presentation of their memories in pictures. Road trip, fun weekend, honeymoon, vacation, hiking in the woods, trips, gatherings with friends by the bonfire, let it be remembered.
You need to perform a few simple steps: drag & drop a map or watercolor background to the your document, add icons and inspirational text in your favorite font. And you’re done!
129 Elements
71 Watercolor Icons:
- 8 Watercolor Maps,
- 13 Transport Icons,
- 5 Animals,
- 9 Wood Cabins,
- 11 Hiking Items,
- 11 Mountains & Trees,
- 7 Watercolor Landscapes,
- 7 Watercolor Washes
- 15 Nature Scenes
- 14 Wall Arts
All illustrations are drawn by hand on high-quality cotton paper, then scanned in 600 DPI and cleaned for further work with them.
Elements: ~1100-3100px, Nature Scene: 3000x2000px and 2000x2000px, Posters and Wall Arts: 2480x3720px